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A Guide to Infrared Saunas and Inflammation
6 Dec 2016      /      Medical Saunas

Article originally posted on

Far Infrared sauna therapy is one of the most effective tools available when it comes to battling inflammation. Recently I fell while skiing. Nothing was broken but my entire body felt swollen. After just a couple of sessions in my sauna symptoms began to disappear and within days I was feeling much better. Sweating in an infrared sauna enables your body to release toxins, metals and chemicals. It also aids in pain relief, enhanced circulation and greatly reduces inflammation.

When circulation is improved the body’s core temperature rises stimulating blood flow, improving muscle recovery and most important, reducing inflammation. Inflammation is the body’s attempt at protecting itself from harmful stimuli so it can begin healing. We now know inflammation to be the beginning of many if not most diseases. Inflammation is also part of the body’s immune response. It begins with irritation and changes into the immediate healing response of inflammation. Chronic inflammation can last several months even years. This can lead to certain cancers, arthritis, atherosclerosis, periodontitis and allergies. Inflammation is part of the body’s innate healing process however, best to heal the inflammation prior to allowing it to develop. This can be accomplished with consistent use of far infrared sauna therapy.

Between fifteen and thirty minutes a day in an infrared sauna is all that’s needed to improve your circulation and reducing inflammation. Increased circulation is also wonderful for lowering blood pressure, relieving pain, reducing stiffness and, of course, fending off inflammation.

How does infrared sauna therapy actually work in terms of reducing inflammation?

Infrared saunas use invisible light to create heat without warming the surrounding air. This heat is far more comfortable than the steamed, high temperature air from traditional saunas. Infrared saunas don’t get nearly as hot as traditional saunas. As a result, you can remain inside an infrared sauna longer than in a traditional steam sauna; thus gaining all the benefits from the warm and gentle heat over a 30 minute period.

“Inflammation has currently been identified as the leading cause of most ailments and health conditions”

Infrared sauna use increases blood flow, bringing healthy, oxygenated blood to whatever area is in need. The relief that comes from this gentle heat can be felt and be beneficial for so many conditions however, the main inflammation reduction occurs due to this comfortable Far Infrared heat penetrating joints, muscles, tissues and nerve endings, while also producing additional white blood cells which alleviates inflammation. Also, far infrared heat produces vigorous perspiration which in turn accelerates heart rate as when involved in moderate exercise. There is serious evidence, sited by many studies, that validate these results in terms of successfully treating various painful and also silent health conditions such as inflammation, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure and rheumatoid arthritis. Most of all, even after the first session, inflammation is reduced and pain is relieved; the longer the therapy the more successful.

Far infrared sauna users have also experienced improvements in the level of inflammation on their skin. Difficult cases of psoriasis and other skin ailments have improved dramatically after use of infrared saunas, often over a short period of usage; one to two months. Skin health has also greatly improved with reduction in cellulite, clearing of acne and relief from psoriasis and eczema.

“The skin is the window to your overall health. The healthier your skin is the healthier your overall health is.”

Far infrared sauna therapy also neutralizes blood toxicity and smooths the walls of arteries, capillaries and veins. it also allows for the healing of upper respiratory infections. It has proven to be outstanding in the ease of inflammatory symptoms from asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, colds, flu, sinusitis and congestion as it clears the inflammation, swelling and mucus clogged passages.

Total detoxification is possible as the absorption of infrared enhances white blood cell function, increasing immune response and the elimination of foreign pathogens and cellular waste products. When toxins are eliminated lymph node function improves and immune function strengthens. Further research has also tagged additional ailments currently and medically proven to be beneficial when using far infrared sauna therapy when battling anything that includes inflammation.

Far infrared sauna therapy is such a wonderful tool for your overall physical health. It is always good to remember to leave enough time in your day for a quick infrared sauna session. Remember, far infrared sauna therapy involves the use of infrared rays to gently heal, soothe, stimulate and detoxify the body as well as the mind. The rays have the ability to penetrate all layers of the human body, penetrating into the inner-most regions of the tissues, muscles and bone. Not only is this relaxing but it benefits the mind, body and spirit.

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